Monday, August 24, 2020
Medicine River By Thomas King Essay Example For Students
Medication River By Thomas King Essay In the novel, Medicine River, Thomas King makes an account of a little communityto mirror the entire local country. An essentially return of Wills makes the littletown appear to be progressively bright. Medication River makes non-local readersthink somewhat more and harder about the lives of the primary individuals they liveamong and the spots they occupy. As a non-local peruser, it is extradifficult to feel and comprehend the book since we didnt experience all thesteps. In spite of the fact that Will begins like an outsider, he turns out to be a piece of the uniquecommunity inevitably. Medication River shows the previous history of Canada andteaches perusers to gain from the past involvement with request to become betterpeople. Will is the fundamental character in the novel, Medicine River. The entire storystarts with a local photojournalist comes back to his booking for his mothersfuneral he finds the quality of his experience. Will doesn't live in thereserve, Medicine River, since his dad is a white individual. After 20 years,Will returns. After he opens the photograph studio in the hold, he feels like homeagain. Working together and playing ball causes Will to turn into an individual from thelittle Indian town. The individuals who help Will the most are Harlen, Louise andJoyce. Harlen is the person who consistently needs to cause Will to feel better. The photostudio ; ball group are Harlens thought. Louise is the genuine affection thatWill succumbs to. At the point when Joyce requests that Will be in the photograph, that truly impressesWill a ton. At long last, Will discovers his vocation, love and companions in the reserveafter 20 years. Harlen is Wills companion and he is an accommodating man. He isalways going around helping individuals to take care of the issues. He runs the coachposition on group Medicine River Friendship Center Warriors after no bodywants to carry out the responsibility. So as to cause Will to feel home, Harlen powers Will to playsome b-ball in the group in spite of the fact that Will is certainly not a decent player. Authority isthe principle thought that Harlen is attempting to go to Will. When Louise separates withher ex and gets pregnant, Harlen deliberately set Louise and Will up. Heasks Will to take a decent consideration of Louise and her unborn infant. Harlen additionally triesto sell Will on coming back to Medicine River to open shop as the onlynative picture taker in the very, little, mountain town. Louise Heavyman showsthe solid, autonomous and certain sides of a lady. She claims a financecompany which is notable in the hold. Louise is a pretty lady who nevergets wedded. Harlen portrays her as, Good looking lady, Will. Stronghips. You know, for kids. Tall, as well. Continuously great to have a tallwoman. (P.27) Harlen attempts to help Louise by sending Will to have a datewith her. Be that as it may, Louise needn't bother with any assistance from any other person. She tellsWill about her contemplations, He was genuine pleasant, yet I didnt need to getmarried. I think he thought when I got pregnant that Id change mymind.(P.34) Louise likewise helps Will to remember his mom, Rose. She raised Willand James without anyone else and Louise is attempting to raise South Wing alone. No matterhow solid, autonomous and certain Louise is, she understands that she lovesWill and she changes herself much in the wake of being with Will. In the end, Louisedecides to begin her new live with Will. Despite the fact that Louise isn't the maincharacter of the novel, she plays a significant roll. The trademark ofLouises speaks to the spirit of a cutting edge lady, particularly of an advanced nativewoman. .uef18dbb7bcb3b1f7a28a9fa0da157d89 , .uef18dbb7bcb3b1f7a28a9fa0da157d89 .postImageUrl , .uef18dbb7bcb3b1f7a28a9fa0da157d89 .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .uef18dbb7bcb3b1f7a28a9fa0da157d89 , .uef18dbb7bcb3b1f7a28a9fa0da157d89:hover , .uef18dbb7bcb3b1f7a28a9fa0da157d89:visited , .uef18dbb7bcb3b1f7a28a9fa0da157d89:active { border:0!important; } .uef18dbb7bcb3b1f7a28a9fa0da157d89 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uef18dbb7bcb3b1f7a28a9fa0da157d89 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uef18dbb7bcb3b1f7a28a9fa0da157d89:active , .uef18dbb7bcb3b1f7a28a9fa0da157d89:hover { obscurity: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uef18dbb7bcb3b1f7a28a9fa0da157d89 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uef18dbb7bcb3b1f7a28a9fa0da157d89 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content design: underline; } .uef18dbb7bcb3b1f7a28a9fa0da157d89 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uef18dbb7bcb3b1f7a28a9fa0da157d89 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content beautification: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .uef18dbb7bcb3b1f7a28a9fa0da157d89:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uef18dbb7bcb3b 1f7a28a9fa0da157d89 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uef18dbb7bcb3b1f7a28a9fa0da157d89-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uef18dbb7bcb3b1f7a28a9fa0da157d89:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: A Worn Path - Love Essay In the novel, Medicine River, after an extensive stretch of twenty years, Willstill returns to where he has a place. It doesn't just occur in an Indian town,but basically wherever else on the planet. It is a direct result of the local peopleare too hesitant to even think about accepting the outsiders. When the outsiders go through some timethere, individuals will begin to acknowledge and comprehend the outsiders. Medication Riverlooks like a standard story to me, however I can feel that there is something greatbehind the story. Sadly, I just dont realize how to place it in words. It isa great story. Thomas King records the book to mirror the entire humannature. So as to improve, we need to urge ourselves to attempt and acceptnew things. All the Canadian ought to be pleased with the book since they are thenation with the fearlessness to acknowledge, take in and attempt things from around the globe.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
HR Planning Workplace Diversity
Question: Portray about the Article of HR Planning for Workplace Diversity. Answer: In the current time of globalization, one would locate an assorted scope of individuals having a place with an alternate race, culture, and nation. Assorted variety in the working environment is favorable as it grows new and inventive thoughts. A differing ethnic gathering would upgrade financial development. Similarly invested individuals will undoubtedly create a similar sort of thoughts. Distinctive sort of thoughts would improve learning of the representatives, increment execution, and make a stage for ceaseless development and improvement. It expands adaptability in the working environment and improves the nature of critical thinking capacities. A key intend to oversee assorted variety may expand benefits and lower the working expense of an association. Be that as it may, chiefs must know about the social contrasts for it can turn into a touchy issue if not took care of appropriately (Canas Sondak 2013). Human asset supervisors can make an increasingly adjusted and various workforce through a compelling key arrangement. The initial step is to characterize decent variety and make an arrangement dependent on guiding principle, for example, respectability, believability, individual restoration and ceaseless improvement. The objectives and goals of an arrangement must be clear and very much characterized. This can be accomplished through extensive instruction and preparing and social review. It is basic to make a solid establishment, construct a stable inner and outside structure and measure the advancement and consequences of the workers. Accentuation must be laid on creating intercultural and relational abilities to guarantee viable working of an ethnically and socially assorted gathering (Patrick Kumar 2012). References Canas, K., Sondak, H. (2013).Opportunities and difficulties of work environment decent variety. Pearson Higher Ed. Patrick, H. A., Kumar, V. R. (2012). Overseeing Workplace Diversity.Sage Open,2(2), 2158244012444615.
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Use Your Sense of Humor as a Stress Coping Mechanism
Use Your Sense of Humor as a Stress Coping Mechanism Happiness Print Maintaining a Sense of Humor to Cope By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Updated on January 28, 2020 Hinterhaus Productions / Getty Images More in Self-Improvement Happiness Meditation Stress Management Spirituality Holistic Health Inspiration Brain Health Technology Relationships View All A sense of humor can be an amazing line of defense when it comes to coping with stress. Unfortunately, stress is inevitable and you cant eliminate it, despite your best efforts. You can, however, better prepare yourself for stress with several coping techniques. Developing a sense of humor about lifes challenges is a great place to start. A sense of humor will help you to build resilience to stress as well as improve your overall physical and emotional health.?? It will also enable you to: Bond with othersLook at things in a different wayNormalize your experienceKeep your relationships strong Luckily, its not too hard to develop a healthy sense of humorâ"but it does require a bit of practice. Here are a few ways to find the funny in life and better cope with stress. Start With a Smile Even if you fake a smile (making the physical shape with your mouth), it can lead to increased happiness (not just looking happier). This is because the act of smiling (real or fake) causes your body to release feel-good endorphins. Plus, a fake smile tends to lead to a genuine oneâ"and this means that laughter will come more easily, and the stress will melt more readily.?? Top 10 Reasons to Smile Every Day Take a Step Back When youâre in the middle of a difficult situation, it can seem overwhelming. Taking a step back, however, and viewing your situation as an observer can help you see your situation with a new lens. This is called reframingâ"and it works. Value the Extremes If your situation seems ridiculously frustrating, recognize the potential humor in just how ridiculously frustrating and annoying it is. In your imagination, take the situation to an extreme that becomes even more ridiculous until you find yourself amused. For example, if you are waiting in a long line at the store, imagine that hours pass, then days, visualizing loved ones visiting you in your new home or holding your childs birthday party in aisle sevenâ¦you get the picture. Recruit Funny Buddies Social support is a crucial part of stress management. Find a friend or group of friends with whom you can share your frustrations and challenges, and laugh about them in the process. Even when your friends are not there, you can lighten your mood by thinking about the retelling that will come later. The Top 4 Reasons Friends Are Important Make It a Game You can have a most annoying boss contest with your friends, or try to count how many times the same potentially frustrating event happens in a day. (I was cut off in traffic seven times todayâ"Iâm almost up to 10.) This works well for predictable or repetitive annoying situations that you canât control; you can begin to view them in their own special way instead of letting them unnerve you. Watch Funny Shows and Movies One of the reasons that sitcoms are so popular is that many of them take somewhat universal situations that people find frustrating and push them a little further to show the silly side of it all. Realizing that some universally annoying situations are actually funny, can help you endure them with a smileâ"even if itâs a wry or ironic smile. Read Funny Books Reading humorous interpretations of life can help you maintain a light-hearted point-of-view and find your own style of seeing the world in a different light. Look for an author skilled at finding the humor in life events, ranging from annoying to upsetting or even tragic. Some suggestions: Dave Barry, David Sedaris, or Jerry Seinfeld. Reading Material Ideas for Brain Health and Fitness Practice Relaxation Techniques Laughter yoga, which combines laughter and intentional yogic breathing (pranayama), is a great way to release stress and get some more giggles into your day.?? If this type of class is not available to you, there are other types of yoga and relaxation strategies (meditation, tai chi, deep breathing) to minimize stress so you can build your resilience and your sense of humor.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Advertising Research The Happy Homemaker - 2762 Words
Advertisement Research Essay The Happy Homemaker ââ¬Å"The proper study of mankind is man, but the proper study of markets is womenâ⬠(The Advertising Periodical Inc. Magazine, 1929) Consumer Culture is at the root of all social, political and economic development of western cultures for the past three hundred years. Advertisements become a key role in creating ideological messages and meanings. In a consumer culture and capitalist economy, advertisement becomes a tool used by corporations to influence the minds of the buyer. When a company produces an ad or commercial, their main objective is to get the viewersââ¬â¢ attention in order to sell the product. Many different methods are used to lure an audience in; tactics may include print orâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Women and men have never been treated as equals, history has been a constant reminder that there has always been outlets such as, writing, filmmaking, psychology, and advertising that regurgitate the consent idea that men and women are very different when developing there narratives (Sheehan, 1987: 89). The 1950s societal roles for men and women were much more specific then what people are used to now. The male figure was labeled as the breadwinner of the family, while the women were simply the homemakers. Advertising has always stuck to the traditional roles of women as the housewife or homemaker, industries use this imagery to help promote different types of household products and appliances. June Cleaver from the popular television series Leave it to Beaver;was an ideal image of what a housewife should aim to portray. The advertising industry didn t restrict themselves from just print and commercial ads they also made sure to use sitcoms to further send out a constructed identity of a women. June Cleaver was a stay at home mom who provided a loving and nurturing home, she was a housewife who did laundry, packed lunches, shopped, took care of the house, always had dinner ready, and she did it all well impeccably dressed in pearls and heels.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Persuasive Speech - Why not to drink soda Essay - 629 Words
Speech 1 Preparation Outline Template Topic: Soda is bad for health Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that soda is bad for oneââ¬â¢s health. INTRODUCTION I. Open with Impact: Everyday, all day, we all make choices on what we eat and drink that affect our health. II. Connect with Audience: Everyone here has had a soda right? We all have our favorite one, and even though we know that itââ¬â¢s not healthy we drink it anyways. III. Focus/Thesis: Over the years soda has become a staple in our lives, and is unfortunately extremely toxic to our bodies. Which is why we need to make the effort to limit the amount we drink and make ourselves aware of the risks we expose to our health when choosing to drink soda. IV. Preview Mainâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Anahsad Oââ¬â¢Connor, author of the New York Times article, The Claim, published June 3 2008, said that drinking soda will often times settle an upset stomach. F. Many people also choose to drink soda for the caffeine, which ranges from 23 to 54 mg per 12 0z serving, according to Lisa Sefcik, author of the Livestrong article, Health Benefits of Soda, published July 15 2011. Transition Statement/Signpost: Now that you know the health risks of drinking soda, you can make the move to choose other drinks. II. Main Point 3: If youââ¬â¢re someone who likes soda but wants to find something healthier, there are a lot of alternatives that you can choose from that you may end up liking more than your favorite soda. A. If itââ¬â¢s the caffeine that attracts you to soda, you can swap it for coffee or you could do black or green tea which typically have more caffeine than soda and come with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants B. For something thatââ¬â¢s sweet, thereââ¬â¢s lemonade and other juices. C. You can also make your own soda at home in a healthier version. CONCLUSION I. Summary Review of Main Points: So in review: A. We discussed the health risks of drinking soda. B. The reasons why many people continue to drink it. C. And last I gave you some alternatives to choose from. II. Close with Impact: Hopefully this has helped you understand just how bad soda is to your health and why you shouldnââ¬â¢t drink it, and hopefully all of you will decide to make theShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Drinking Water Essay1330 Words à |à 6 PagesDrink Water Speech How many of you, when you go to a restaurant and the waiter/waitress asks you what you want to drink ask for water? How many you would select a glass of water out a fridge filled with soda, fruit juices, or beer? My guess is probably not very many you actually choose water over the other options. I used to be the same way. I used to never drink water, and would always choose another beverage if I had the option. 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Analytical Essay â⬠Even Wives Want a Wife Free Essays
Even Wives Want a Wife In todayââ¬â¢s society the wife is seen as the member of the household that upkeeps the house and caters to otherââ¬â¢s needs. Who wouldnââ¬â¢t want one of these of their own? In ââ¬Å"I Want a Wifeâ⬠the author Judy Brady sarcastically explains why everyone would want a wife. She begins with a story of how a friend of hers is newly single and he is looking for ââ¬Å"a wifeâ⬠although in reality he wants a servant; Brady then realizes that she too wants a wife of her own (Brady 542). We will write a custom essay sample on Analytical Essay ââ¬â Even Wives Want a Wife or any similar topic only for you Order Now The main points made in the essay are what the wife would do for the author such as household chores, taking care of children, catering to her friends and many other satirical duties. All the while several literary devices are used to enhance the article. She uses these elements to show sexist and selfish ideas of men that are prevalent in society. ââ¬Å"I Want a Wifeâ⬠efficiently reasons for how the male gender generalizes the role of a wife in a sexist way in our society by making use of ethos, logos, pathos, satire and repetition. Ethos is used in the essay as Brady is a wife herself. Since she is she must have a certain expertise of being a wife. As she states in one of the beginning paragraphs ââ¬Å"I belong to that classification of people known as wives. I am a wife. And, not altogether incidentally I am a motherâ⬠(Brady 542). This shows her credibility; that all the jobs and duties she mentioned must have been personally experienced by her. The many jobs and chores discussed make the audience feel sympathy for wives and the author herself through pathos. The author concludes the essay by saying ââ¬Å"My god, who wouldnââ¬â¢t want a wifeâ⬠(Brady 544)? This rhetorical question allows the readers to determine that this idea is wrong and treats women like a lesser being compared to men. The ending also evokes the reader to take action towards the topic. The author utilizes logos by stating many facts such as jobs women often do while speaking through experience. She lists all of these over exaggerated duties to indirectly saying that women are expected to do too much in todayââ¬â¢s society. Brady speaks of several seemingly unethical chores like cleaning the house, preparing dinner to serve to friends and not speaking when the husband is talking (Brady 543). This helps get her point across by exaggeration to show how the wife is expected to have a servant like persona. Brady uses satire from the beginning of the essay to the very end of it. It is mainly used to show a male viewpoint of a wife. ââ¬Å"And I want a wife who understands that my sexual needs may entail more than strict adherence to monogamy. I must, after all, be able to relate to people as fully as possibleâ⬠(Brady 544). Here the author satirizes the manââ¬â¢s view of what the wife must do and what he should be able to do, which in this case is have various partners. The use of satire is very effective in this article demonstrating how a man expects to have a perfect wife further illustrating the authorââ¬â¢s image of sexism in society. Repetition is used in several of the authorââ¬â¢s paragraphs. ââ¬Å"I want a wifeâ⬠(Brady 543) is used in the beginning of a few paragraphs to catch your eye and to get Bradyââ¬â¢s idea burnt into your brain. This also helps as a smooth transition for the many duties described that the wife must do. Continually stating this phrase raises the thoughts of the audience making them want a wife as well. The author made fantastic use of literary devices throughout the essay. The effectiveness of satire to me was the most powerful using it to demonstrate how men expect so much from women and how many of the duties they perform are almost slave like. Ethos, logos and pathos were used successfully in many instances that appealed to the senses. As Brady is a wife and mother herself this make her a credible source so she clearly knows what she is speaking of. There was emotional appeal making the audience sympathize for the wife and feel anger towards men. Logic was used to show the wifeââ¬â¢s duties and what their husbands expect of them. In conclusion I thought this was a very well thought out and written article because it attempts to make the reader want to take action against the topic through all of these elements. How to cite Analytical Essay ââ¬â Even Wives Want a Wife, Essays
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Revenge In Hamlet Essays - Characters In Hamlet,
Revenge In Hamlet Revenge. Revenge causes one to act blindly through anger, rather than through reason. It is based on the principle of an eye for an eye, but this principle is not always an intelligent theory to live by. Young Fortinbras, Laertes, and Hamlet were all looking to avenge the deaths of their fathers. They all acted on emotion, and this led to the downfall of two, and the rise to power of one. Since the Heads of the three major families were each murdered, the eldest sons of these families swore vengeance, and two of the three sons died while exacting their acts of vengeance, revenge is a major theme in the Tragedy of Hamlet. There were three major families in the Tragedy of Hamlet. These were the family of King Fortinbras, the family of Polonius, and the family of King Hamlet. The heads of each of these families are all slaughtered within the play. Fortinbras, King of Norway, was killed by King Hamlet; slain by sword during a man to man battle. "?our valiant Hamlet-for so this side of our known world esteem'd him-did slay this Fortinbras." This entitled King Hamlet to the land that was possessed by Fortinbras because it was written in a seal'd compact. Polonius was an advisor to the King, and father to Laertes and Ophelia. He was nosy and arrogant, and he did not trust his children. He was killed by Young Hamlet while he was eves dropping on a conversation between Hamlet and his mother. "How now! A rat? Dead, for a ducat, dead!" King Hamlet was the King of Denmark, and Hamlet's father. He had killed King Fortinbras, only to be killed by his brother, Claudius. "?My offense is rank, it smells to heaven; A brother's murder?" Each of these events effected the sons of the deceased in the same way, it enraged them. Every one of the three eldest sons had one thing in common, they all wanted revenge for a slaughtered father. In the time in which this play is set, avenging the murder of a father was part of one's honor, and had to be done. All of the three sons swore vengeance, and then acted towards getting revenge for the deaths of their fathers. Young Fortinbras was deeply enraged by the death of his father, and he wanted revenge against Denmark because of this occurrence. Fortinbras wanted to, by force, regain the lands that had been lost by his father to Denmark. "?Now sir, young Fortinbras?as it doth well appear unto our state-but to recover of us, by strong hand and terms compulsative, those foresaid lands so by his father lost?" Claudius sends messengers to talk to Fortinbras' uncle, the new King of Norway. He forbid Fortinbras to attack Denmark, and instead convinced him to attack the Poles to vent his anger. "?His nephew's levies, which to him appear'd to be a preparation 'gainst the Polack; But better look'd into, he truly found it was against your highness?On Fortinbras; which he, in brief, obeys, receives rebuke from Norway, and, in fine, makes vow before his uncle never more to give the assay of arms against your majesty." Laertes found out about his father's death, and immediately returned home. He confronted the King and accused him of the murder of his father. Claudius told Laertes that Hamlet was responsible for his father's death. He then decides to kill Hamlet to avenge the death of his father. He and Claudius concoct a plot to kill Hamlet. Hamlet dies of wounds from the poisoned tipped sword Laertes used. "?Hamlet, thou art slain?The treacherous instrument is in thy, unbated and envenom'd?" Hamlet was deeply sorrowed by his father's death. He spoke to a ghost, and this ghost stated that his father's death was a murder, by the hand of his uncle, Claudius. "The serpent that did sting thy father's life now wears his crown." Hamlet was astonished, and then swore vengeance for his father's death. He then proceeded to try and prove his uncle's guilt, and then finally kills him while he himself is dying of poisoned wounds inflicted by Laertes during their duel. "The point envenomed too! Then venom, to thy work?Here, thou incestuous, murderous,
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
5 Examples of the Need for Multiple Hyphenation
5 Examples of the Need for Multiple Hyphenation 5 Examples of the Need for Multiple Hyphenation 5 Examples of the Need for Multiple Hyphenation By Mark Nichol Complex and compound phrasal adjectives, in which more than two words unite to modify a noun that follows the phrase, pose a challenge for many writers. How many hyphens are required, and where do they go? These examples demonstrate the proper application of hyphens in such cases. 1. ââ¬Å"He broke the 21-year old world record at the tournament.â⬠Hyphenation errors frequently occur in references to age or duration. In this case, the reference seems to be to an old record of a 21-year nature, but it can mean only that a record that has stood for 21 years has been broken. The record is 21 years old, so those three terms should be hyphenated together: ââ¬Å"He broke the 21-year-old world record at the tournament.â⬠(Or, if the number is spelled out, ââ¬Å"He broke the twenty-one-year-old world record at the tournament.â⬠) 2. ââ¬Å"The project exemplifies his wheeling and dealing ways.â⬠The ways described involve wheeling and dealing. Because the two verbs are often used in tandem as an idiom referring to underhanded negotiations, they and the intervening conjunction should all be linked: ââ¬Å"The project exemplifies his wheeling-and-dealing ways.â⬠3. ââ¬Å"Theyââ¬â¢re taking a wait and see approach.â⬠As with ââ¬Å"wheeling and dealing,â⬠ââ¬Å"wait and seeâ⬠is an idiom; it means that observers will refrain from interference or deliberation until a catalyzing event occurs. All the words in the phrase should be hyphenated together: ââ¬Å"Theyââ¬â¢re taking a wait-and-see approach.â⬠4. ââ¬Å"He sustained non-life threatening injuries in the accident.â⬠As styled, the central phrase seems to refer to threatening injuries not associated with life. But the reference applies to injuries that are not threatening to life. Although non would normally be attached directly to a root word (for example, in nonprofit), in this case, because it is associated with the entire phrase ââ¬Å"life-threatening injuries,â⬠it is correctly attached to life with a hyphen. But life-threatening is a stock phrasal adjective, and a hyphen should connect those two terms here as well: ââ¬Å"He sustained non-life-threatening injuries in the accident.â⬠5. ââ¬Å"The soldiers were injured in a rocket-propelled grenade attack.â⬠This sentence implies that the soldiers were injured in a grenade attack that was rocket propelled meaning that enemy troops themselves were propelled by rockets as they threw grenades. But the weapons were rocket-propelled grenades. Because this phrase modifies attack, grenade is attached to rocket-propelled: ââ¬Å"The soldiers were injured in a rocket-propelled-grenade attack.â⬠Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Rules for Writing Numbers and NumeralsAcronym vs. InitialismRunning Errands and Doing Chores
Monday, March 2, 2020
Media language accelerates recovery - Emphasis
Media language accelerates recovery Media language accelerates recovery The increasing use of the word recovery in the press during the recent financial crisis may have contributed to the UKs eventual climb out of recession, new research from Emphasis has found. This unique project the second from the Emphasis Research Centre began as a positive alternative to The Economists R-word index, which predicts economic downturns by tracking the use of the word recession. The research charts the use of the term recovery (along with green shoots) in the British broadsheets during the recent recession and the months leading up to it. It reveals what appears to be a significant link between the number of press articles mentioning the word and climbs in both the FTSE 100 and Nationwide Consumer Confidence Index. The sudden increase in the use of recovery actually began long before any real sign of one existed. In fact, the UK was sliding further into recession and the markets were in freefall at the time. But the continued and ever-increasing reference to a tentative recovery may have helped precipitate a slight return to form, as both indexes began to rise slowly in February 2009. Other factors undeniably played a part in renewed faith in the markets. The stimulus package announced in November 2008, the start of quantitative easing the following March, and the G20 summit in April 2009 are all likely to have influenced confidence. And mentions of recovery, though regular, were often far from positive. Yet the apparent link between the rise in newspapers references to recovery and the fluctuations in both the FTSE 100 and Consumer Confidence Index during the most intense periods of the economic crisis seem significant. It could be that merely repeating the word recovery, like a mantra, somehow seeped into the subconscious of both the public and the market, says Rob Ashton, Chief Executive of Emphasis. This may be an example of journalists creating the news as well as reporting it. Download the full Recovery Watch research report here. Download the press release here.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Collaborative assignments at a workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Collaborative assignments at a workplace - Essay Example Working with others can be very satisfying experience which takes off the pressure from individual to deliver solutions by themselves. In order for a team to work in an environment that boosts the morale of the members, synergy among the players must be established. Synergy is a state in which the creation of a whole is greater than the sum of its parts (Schermerhorn, et al. 2003). The people working in a collaborative assignment commit to the project and leave their egos and individualistic agendas home. They are fully committed to the team and their work efforts are based on mutual respect, good communication and common goals. It is important to create a corporate culture that promotes teamwork, collaboration, openness and friendship (Nohria & Groysberg & Lee, 2008). There are different scenarios that can hinder the ability of a team to work effective which ends up lowering employee morale and forming teams that are ineffective. One important consideration is group size. The optimal size of a team is one that is between five and seven members. If a team is too small the members have to take too many responsibilities and can not truly perform team exercises such as brainstorming sessions. Teams that are too large are hard to manage and are susceptible to having many members who slack off and let others do the work. Another important consideration is the way leadership is managed within the team setting. It is not good to foster a work environment in which team member and leaders only interchanged ideas and work tasks based on the assumption that they are doing something in exchange of getting some sort of consideration or specific reward back in exchange for the information (Collaborative Teams, 2008). It is better for the leaders of team to beco me mentors that are there to help out the other members of team without expecting anything in return. Under no circumstance should a team leader or any other
Sunday, February 2, 2020
How convincing is Porter's model of national competitive advantage in Essay - 1
How convincing is Porter's model of national competitive advantage in explaining the workings and achievements of major nation - Essay Example The claims are based on the total percentage of the entire exports across the entire globe and their relation to the three nations (Hill, 2009). This is an evidence of how Porter created a convincing analysis on his view on national competitiveness. In explaining the national business systems, Porter analyses national business systems by reviewing their input in the global market. He argues that the more exports a nation make the more significance it has in the global market(Thompson, 2004).This way of reviewing national business systems is preferable when comparing the output of nations in the global market. According to Thompson (2004) this method may be however, biased since not all national business systems are based on exports. The author further argues that they are nations with greater G.D.Ps and have very stable economic systems and they have less input in the international market (Thompson, 2004). In using porterââ¬â¢s way of analysis such nations lacks the international standard of competitive advantage. This assumption has created a Porter system that only recognizes the financial stable nations on the global market (Uchida & Cook, 2005). Porter uses the national diamond to show the influence of nations to their local companies. The influence and pressure from a nation will be a great determinant on whether or not the organizations attain an international competitive advantage. Nations provide support and resources to specific countries which then generate outstanding products and income. However, analysts argue that this diamond structure is usually biased depending on mutual agreement by both parties. For instance, an organization may enter into a deal with a government to share a certain percentage of their profits in exchange for support and resources. In such a scenario the market becomes unbalanced (Smit, 2010). However, this strategy is used by states to strengthen their international market significance. In an argument by Smit (2010) the g reater the significance in the international market the greater income through partnerships and revenues. The author further argues that, state governments use the national diamond to help the nation gain greater competitive advantage in the international market. This automatically raises the economic status of an organization. In support of the national diamond strategy, Porter claims that it improves specialization and the quality of goods produced in a country (Schott, 2004). He gave an example with Denmark and its influence in the global market in terms of export of insulin. The Danish government has significantly alleviated the production of insulin and treatment of diabetes in the country. It has provided resources, diplomatic and economic support for this project (Peng, 2009). The impact of this move is significant to the whole industry. Denmark is the leading exporter of insulin in the globe. Minus the support from the government this achievement would not have been possible (Peng, 2009). In Holland there is a premier research institute which focuses on cultivation, shipping and packaging of flowers. This project is almost a sole project of the Holland government that is supplied with resources and labor from the body. After this intervention Holland has become the leading exporter of flowers in the globe (Salvatore, 2002). This shows how great significance government support is on an organization. However, Porter
Friday, January 24, 2020
Two Personalities in My Last Duchess :: My Last Duchess Essays
Two Personalities in My Last Duchess The poem "My Last Duchess" is about a powerful Duke, and his beautiful, flirtatious wife who has two different personalities, one that was reality and the other was the lady in the painting. The poem begins and ends with him mourning the loss of his deceased Duchess, but from the way that the mighty Duke speaks, he knows more about her death than he leads us to believe. The Duke chooses his word very carefully, when he talks to his friend about the painting of his wife. He only drops small hints, to his friend about the death of his Duchess. Which leads me to believe that the Duke killed his wife, or had someone to put her to her death. As the Duke speaks of his Duchess, in the beginning, he sounds extremely compassionate and caring towards her. The Duke had an absolute love for his Duchess as most husbands and wives do.Ã He sounded so proud of her and the beauty that she posed: almost like she was a trophy. Despite all of the pride and excitement that he showed towards her, there was an element of distrust that lingered inside of his mind. The Duchess created the element of distrust that was bestowed into the marriage. The Duke explained that his wife was extremely flirtatious and easily impressed. The Duke said, "Too easily impressed: she liked whate'er she looked on, and her looks went everywhere." This line is telling about the Duchess, as she was when she was alive. The Duke believes that his Duchess is a cheat, and that she doesn't try to hide it either. A husband can tell when his wife is interested in another man, cause she once looked upon him in that way she is looking upon her new male interest. The Duchess probably didn't know that her husband was watching her, while she was taking interest to her lovers. She may have thought that she and her male interest at the time were alone, cause not any woman, in that era would have been seen with another man besides their husbands. Given the fact that this poem dates back to the Duke and Duchess era, so they lived in an old fashioned world. The Duke believes his wife is not being faithful to him.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Children`s early learning Essay
Key research findings which show the importance of parental involvement in their children`s learning in their early years, including fathers involvement have shown that parents are the child`s first educators and role models and have a strong influence on their learning. When a parent either mum or dad is actively involved in their child`s education this has a positive effect on the child`s achievement. If a parent takes interest in their child`s education by talking with them, monitoring homework, actively involved in school activities, attending parents evening, then the child will have the chance to achieve their full potential as they will have the best support. The Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky pointed out the importance of talking especially when an adult helps a child in problem solving. This showed that a child can achieve more if they have the help and support and skills from someone rather than left to their own devices. Within the early years, The Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE) (Sylva et al 2004) did a study of development of around 3,000 children between the ages of 3-7, research found that parents actively involved with reading, numbers and learning letters helped reduce the risk of special educational needs (SEN).The EPPE also found that parents who created regular opportunities for their children to play with friends at home and taking their children out were all associated with higher intellectual and social behaviour.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Key Action Plan Of Communication - 1666 Words
Cultural Barriers to Communication What plan do you suggest for handling communication problems involved in the given scenario? Why? The key action plan of communication need to be developed, as on the basis of situation in the given scenario, proper communication plan need to be developed. This will resolve the future error, as faced by Chinese nurse, Meelynn. This will include- ïÆ' ¼ All the responsible person will know their stakeholders, aims of your intervention and for maintaining the required positive changes. ïÆ' ¼ I must develop a communication plan that includes the Goals to achieve, information received, what perfect information is required to communicate, When and how often the RN must communicate, and very important the methodâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦will lead to the error and ultimately lead to increase the patient risk by many folds, which can lead to high mortality and length of stay. Besides, poor communication errors in ICUs, medication errors due to communication problem results in serious health care infections. Medication errors results from poor communication are mostly from nurses, during the medication administration, report analysis, prescribers report communication, explaining the correct patientââ¬â¢s symptoms, etc. What are the two major problems associated with written communication and two with verbal communication in an organization? All communication system and methods have advantage and disadvantage. The written communication has two major disadvantages, as mentioned below- ïÆ' ¼ Written communication is very difficult and Useless for the illiterate person. For illiterate receiver, written communication is quite impossible, and is considered as the major disadvantage. ïÆ' ¼ The second most disadvantage of written communication is the lack of flexibility. It cannot be changed, as mentioned in written proof and documents cannot be changed at any time. So, this is considered as the most important limitations of written communication. The verbal communication has two major disadvantages, as mentioned below- ïÆ' ¼ The very first is the assumptions, most of the time it was reported that the
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