Monday, November 25, 2019

Reality Therapy

Reality Therapy Free Online Research Papers What is Reality Therapy Psychology Essay Reality therapists believe that changing what we do is the key to changing how we feel and to getting what we want (Glasser, 1997). The name reality, though catchy, is easily misunderstood by those who assume that reality therapy has something to do with giving people â€Å"a dose of reality (Rogha, 2005). The focus of this paper will be to explore the various uses and overall effectiveness of reality therapy among a diverse population. From a realistic perspective it is very hard to change our emotions directly. It is easier to change our thinking: to decide, for example, that we will no longer think of ourselves as victims or to decide that in our thoughts we will concentrate on what we can do rather than what we think everybody else ought to do. Reality Therapy First and foremost, the founder of reality therapy, Dr. William Glasser does not believe in the concept of mental illness unless there is something organically wrong with the brain that can be confirmed by a pathologist (Howatt, 2001). Therefore, this counseling/psychological approach which is a cause and effect theory that explains human behavior is considered controversial by some mainstream professionals as non-traditional. Early on, he (Glasser)came to the conclusion that genetically we are social creatures and need each other and that the cause of almost all psychological symptoms is our inability to get along with the important people in our lives. In this paper, I will examine the above ideas which focus on personal choice, personal responsibility and personal transformation in an attempt to show the effectiveness of reality therapy among a diverse population of clients. Dr. William Glasser has used his theories to assist helping professionals in dealing with a myriad of client problems and to influence broader social issues such as education, marriage, and advocating mental health as a public health issue. He does not believe in punishment as a deterrent. Punishment is external control that can seldom be effective because people understand that they have choices and never internalize the lesson intended (Pierce, 2003). Reality therapy introduces the concept of total behavior which explains that all behavior is made up of four different but inseparable components: acting, thinking, feeling and physiology. (Glasser, 1997). According to this model of therapy, â€Å"acting and thinking are directly under our control and it is these components therapists focus on when they practice reality therapy. Focus is not on how people feel or on the physiology of their brains because none of us have direct and predictable control over these two components† (Glasser, 1997). If we want to change how we feeland almost all clients want to feel betterwe have to make more effective acting and thinking choices such as finding a friend if we are painfully lonely ( Petersen, 2005). If we find one and we are happy, this choice will also change our brain chemistry from the chemistry of loneliness, (usually the chemistry associated with choosing to depress) to the normal chemistry of satisfying our need to love and belong (Glasser, 1997; Howatt, 2003; Jones, 2005). Among the philosophical underlying principles of reality therapy are the following: â€Å"People are responsible for their own behavior; human beingsnot society, not heredity, not historydetermine their own choices; People can change and live more effective lives; People need not remain victims of external forces, neither do they need to wait for the rest of the world to change before being able to satisfy their own needs; People generate behavior and make choices for a purpose: to mold their environmentas a sculptor molds clayto match their own inner pictures (quality world) of what they want in order to satisfy the five needs described above† (Glasser, 1997). Reality therapy concentrates on the clients needs and getting them to confront the reality of the world. Client needs consist of survival, power, love, freedom, and fun. Survival includes the things that we need in order to stay alive, such as food, clothing and shelter. Power is our sense of achievement and feeling worthwhile, as well as the competitive desire to win. Love and belonging represent our social needs, to be accepted by groups, families and loved ones. Freedom is our need for our own space, a sense of independence and autonomy. Fun is our need to enjoy ourselves and seek pleasure. â€Å"We seek to fulfill these needs at all times, whether we are conscious of it or not (Glasser, 1997; Howatt, 2003; Jones, 2005; Loyd, 2005; Petersen, 2005; Pierre. 2003; Turnage et at, 2003; Wubbolding Brickell, 2004; Yaniger, 2003). Choice theory, a theory of how our brain functions that supports reality therapy, directly challenges the belief system that says we have no choice and therefore can blame others and society for our problems (Rogha, 2005). I contend that when we are unable to figure out how to satisfy one or more of the five basic needs built into our genetic structure that are the source of all human motivation, we sometimes choose to behave in ways that are currently labeled as mental illness. Moreover, choice theory explains that, not only do we choose all our unhappy behaviors, but every behavior we choose is made up of four components, one of which is how we feel as we behave (Howatt, 2003). What is common to these ineffective and unsatisfying choices, no matter what they may be, is unhappiness: there is no happiness in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). When we choose a behavior that satisfies our needs, immediately or eventually, we feel good. When we choose a behavior that fails to satisfy our needs, sooner or later, we feel bad. But the choice to be unhappy is certainly not mental illness. Our society is flooded with people who are choosing anxious, fearful, depressive, obsessive, crazy, hostile, violent, addictive and withdrawn behaviors. All of them are seriously unhappy; there is no shortage of unhappy people in the world (Turnage, Jacinto, Kirven, 2003). However, many mental health practitioners reject therapy as useless or time-consuming. Mental health practitioners who strongly believe in mental illness have tunnel vision. Either they dont or won’t see the unhappy people described above a capable of helping themselves or benefiting from therapy. They see them as suffering from a mental illness i.e., brain pathology, incapable of helping themselves without drugs. In his new book, Reality Therapy in Action, 2005, Dr. Glasser describes how his use of reality therapy has helped many seriously symptomatic clients choose to function normally without the use of drugs. He is far from alone in what he does. Hundreds of thousands of symptomatic people are helped each year by psychotherapy without the use of drugs because most of the effective psychotherapy in the world is done by therapists who cannot prescribe them (Glasser, 1997).Therefore, we can fairly conclude that unhappy people need empathetic and compassionate therapists, not prescriptions. In Choice Theory, the concept of total behavior explains that all behavior is made up of four different but inseparable components: acting, thinking, feeling and physiology ( Glasser, 1997; Petersen, 2005). Acting and thinking are directly under our control and it is these components to focus on in practicing reality therapy dont focus on how people feel or on the physiology of their brains because none of us have direct and predictable control over these two components (Glasser, 1997). Almost all approaches to psychology assume that people have certain basic needs and, indeed, there is broad agreement on what these needs are (Howatt, 2003). The concept of reality therapy is based on choice theory, a systematic explanation of how the human mind works. According to choice theory, â€Å"human beings choose many of their behaviors in order to satisfy innate human needs: self-preservation or survival, belonging and love, achievement or power or inner-control, freedom or independence, and fun or enjoyment.† (Glasser, 1997; Howatt, 2001; Howatt, 2003; Jones et al., Lyod, 2005; Petersen, 2005; Pierre, 2003; Turnage et al., 2003; Wubbolding and Brickell, 2004). One of the core principles of reality therapy is that, whether we are aware of it or not, we are all the time acting to meet the above five basic needs. But we dont necessarily act effectively. One effective way to meet our need for belonging is socializing with people whether they are in our quality world or not (Howatt, 2001). Sitting in a corner and crying in the hope that people will come to us is generally an ineffective way of meeting that needit may work, but it is painful and carries a terribly high price for ourselves and others. So if life is unsatisfactory or we are distressed or in trouble, â€Å"one basic thing to check is whether or not we are succeeding in meeting our basic psychological needs for power, belonging, freedom and fun.† (Glasser, 1997). In this society the survival need is normally being met it is in how we meet the other four psychological needs that we run into trouble (Glasser, 1997). So what really drives us as social beings is our wants. We dont think of our needs as such. We think of what we want, behave to get what we want, fantasize about what we want and so on. So while a counselor in reality therapy would check out whether a client is meeting his or her needs the three basic questions that are asked are: (1.) What do you want?, (2.) What are you doing to get what you want?, and (3.) Is it working? †¦ (Glasser, 2005) At the very heart of Glassers Choice Theory is the idea that the only person I can really control is me. If I think I can control others I am moving in the direction of frustration. If I think others can control me (and so are to blame for all that goes on in my life) I tend to do nothing and again head toward frustration. There may indeed be things that happen to us and for which we are not personally responsible but we can choose what we do about these things. Trying to control other people is a game, from the point of view of Reality Therapy. â€Å"It is a never-ending battle, alienates us from others and causes endless pain and frustration† (Glasser, 1997). This begs the question, isn’t this why it is vital to stick to what is in our own control to do and to respect the right of other people to meet their needs? Exactly! Reality therapy does visit the past but probably to a lesser extent than those who use other theories. This is not a criticism of those who use other counseling/psychological theory’s, it is simply a way in which this therapeutic approach is different. Dr. Glasser’s counseling model adheres to the principles of teaching clients strategies that take control of their lives, in a manner that makes sense as to where they are. Not surprisingly, â€Å"when clients are able to understand and accept internal locus of control, total behavior, organized behaviors, wants vs. needs, comparing places, and the feedback loop, their chances for a healthy recovery are greater.† (Glasser, 1997; Howatt, 2003). Not only are the bad things that happened to us there but our successes are there too. The focus of the practitioner of Reality Therapy is to learn what needs to be learned about the past but to move as quickly as feasible to empowering the client to satisfy his or her needs and wants in the present and in the future (Glasser, 1997). This is because it is our present perceptions that influence our present behavior and so it is these faulty perceptions that the Reality Therapy practitioner helps the client to work through. In conclusion, Reality therapy teaches clients choice theory. Moreover, this counseling model asserts that because behavior is chosen, abdicating personal responsibility, or blaming others or society for problems is unacceptable (Petersen, 2005). According to all I have read it is very much a therapy of hope, based on the conviction that we are all products of the past. Accepting that we are products of our prospective pasts we do not have to focus on the past and continue being its victims. We can, of course, get an instant sense of control from alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine and some other drugs. Unfortunately, our lives are never more out of control than when we are drunk or drugged. There are very few people in this world who ever woke up with a hangover to find that they had fewer problems than they had when they started drinking the night before. Excessive drinking and the use of drugs have to be replaced by doing something elseand that something else has to have a fair chance of getting us what we want in life. After extensive reading and research, I can safely summarize that many counselors/therapists working with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), addiction, anger management, anxiety, depression, domestic violence, mental disorders, pain therapy, substance abuse, and recovery have found this approach useful. Consequently, it is unrealistic to state emphatically that Reality Therapy works for all clients, because it obviously does not. I really like this counseling model because it is effectively altered my personal perception of behavior. The quote, â€Å"keep doing what you’re doing, keep getting what you’re getting† (Vitatoe, 2005) was/is very powerful for me as an individual and a professional. Moreover, it is a very effective counseling model for addictive behaviors and helping certain clients deal with the â€Å"here and now† of their daily lives. References Glasser, W. (1997), Choice theory and student success, Education Digest, 63, 3, p.16, 6p Howatt, W. (2001), The evolution of reality therapy to choice theory. International Journal of Reality Therapy, 21(2), 7-11 Howatt, W. (2003), Choice theory: A core addiction recovery tool, International Journal of Reality Therapy, 22(2), 12-14 Jones, L. Parish, T. (2005), Ritalin vs. choice theory and reality therapy, International Journal of Reality Therapy, XXV, 1, 34-35 Loyd, B.(2005), The effects of reality therapy/choice theory on high school students’ perception of needs, satisfaction and behavioral change, International Journal of Reality Therapy, XXV, 1, 5-9 Peterson, C. (2005), Reality therapy and individual or adlerian psychology: A comparison, International Journal of Reality Therapy, XXIV, 2, 11-14 Pierre, J. (2003), Mindfulness based reality therapy (MRT), International Journal of Reality Therapy, XXIII, 2, 20-23 Turnage, B., Jacinoto, G., Kirven, J.(2003), Reality therapy, domestic violence survivors, and self-forgiveness, International Journal of Reality Therapy, XXII, 1, 7-11 Wubbolding, R. Brickell, J. (2004), Role play and the art of teaching choice theory, reality therapy, and lead management, International Journal of Reality Therapy, XXII, 2, 41-43 Yaniger, B. (2003), Self-evaluation of quality choice in reality therapy, International Journal of Reality Therapy, XXI, 2, 4-10 Research Papers on Reality TherapyThree Concepts of PsychodynamicRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenCapital PunishmentInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesGenetic EngineeringThe Project Managment Office SystemPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyHip-Hop is ArtBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of Self

Thursday, November 21, 2019

History Research Paper (1861-1992) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History (1861-1992) - Research Paper Example The movie is not simply just a tug-of-war of power and control, it imitates and recreates the idea of the men-versus-women situation within the society. It is also captures one of the most controversial traits, the passion to become free from control and authority. The movie clearly shows the different types of people within the society and it is strange to think that a mental institution can be likened to what is happening within the society. Mental institutions are full of insane people, does this mean that society may be full of insane people trying to fight the authority of those who rule and to create a sense of freedom within the bounds of the laws set by the people in power? Birds represent freedom, and looking at the title alone, we believe that’s what it implies, that it is a movie about freedom. Looking at the nature of the main characters of the nurses and the patients, we see that it may be a glimpse of the society at work not a depiction of the mental ward. The mo vie, released in the sixties, at the height of an anti-authoritarian counterculture spirit gave the society an insight of who we were at the time. Or better yet, it gave an insight of how the society moved towards to when it comes to facing authority, control and power. Not a soul wants to be tied down, or bound against his freedom. This is the movie’s focal point. The plot of the movie does not focus on one character rather it focuses on the situation within the mental institution. Jack Nicholson, who is rather an unconventional type of patient, represented the changing force within the mental institution. He was the force that created a stir within the institution, primarily because of the fact that he was not clinically insane as the other characters. He does exhibit a certain madness but he is not one of the psychologically imbalanced patients typical within a mental institution. His only madness was his desire to be out of the prison, that he chose another type of prison , the mental institution, which he believed was better than a criminal prison. This indicates a stereotype of mental institutions, where patients are treated well to become better or to come out of their madness. It is an interesting perspective that people outside of the mental institution believe that it is a hospital where there is comfort, when clearly the patients are not in comfort of what they are experiencing either because of their insanity or the pressure to become sane. It shows then that it is an interesting comparison to view a mental institution as a social institution, which may inhibit the freedom of a person. The mental institution in the movie is similar to the society. There are the nurses and doctors, who have the authority and power similar to the ruling class or the government officials, to declare the laws within the institution. How can they be similar? The movie shows, in the representation of Nurse Ratched, that there is supposed to be someone looking over and looking out for the people within the institution. She determines whether the patient is behaving incorrectly or not. This is similar to how the society is run by the government. If an individual breaks a law, he is fined or sent to prison, very similar to a patient being sent for a shock treatment to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Health Promotion in Hillfields Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Health Promotion in Hillfields - Assignment Example Impact assessment can be a very suitable and feasible method of evaluation of lifestyle and health outcomes as a result of social policy and planning interventions. It is defined as a method through which identification of the consequences of a social health intervention, current or proposed can be accomplished (Mindell and Joffe, 2003). Most of such interventions are designed as a project or a programme guided by policies. The process of impact assessment determines its viability, acceptability, and sustainability (Lock and McKee, 2005). In this assignment, the profiling of Hillfields has been presented. Hiilfields is a suburban area of Coventry in England, located north of the Coventry City Centre. Since postwar times, this area has undergone several changes. The development of health was a concern as the town started developing beyond its limits. Since 1849, the health of this area was the responsibility of the Local Board of Health. Since this locality was building postwar, this was one of the localities for new houses and villas, which led to considerable expansion of the geographical limits of this area. It is to be noted that from the beginning there was a tradition of high standard of living in the locality of Hillfields in comparison to the slums of Coventry. The motor industry started to flourish, and as of now, there were 20 motor industries in the locality, and since 1930s, Singer became the largest manufacturer with operations at 5 locations. World War II saw deterioration, and housing was the area that was hot in a big way. Town and Country Planning act 1944, declared the locality to be an area of comprehensive development since more than half of the houses were unfit to be used. The 1960s saw redevelopment of the area with proper planning of housing and development (Hillfields Health Development Project). Although tower blocks had been made, now there is a programme to modernise and change the existing older houses. Although residents had been provided with a budget for improving environment and housing, the area of need is still under development. The grants are now only restricted to those who need them most. This in itself is a point of need, and there are still deficits in housing and environment, which need to be worked on. Housing is a broader consequence of lifestyle that needs to be evaluated prospectively, retrospectively and concurrently, and it has impact on life style and health outcomes. Thus there is a need for concrete social policy and planning interventions since problems with housing given its growing population in Hillfields may affect the health of the population (Kemm, 2001). The industry around Hillfields decides is economy, but current data states that Hillfields has a slightly higher rate of employment deprivation that the city average. Even now, this area was considered to be one of the red light areas. Law enforcement keeps a constant watch over this issue, and now the scope of sex working has constricted considerably. The health of Hillfields is guided by Hillfields Health Action Group. They meet on a monthly basis in the community venues with the aim of providing supports for all health initiatives that the local projects can deliver. On closer examination, people in Hillfields die 8 years younger than the other affluent localities.

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Ethics of Marketing Prescription Drugs Essay

The Ethics of Marketing Prescription Drugs - Essay Example This "The Ethics of Marketing Prescription Drugs" essay outlines the effect that drug's advertisement has. Seeing these kinds of commercials not only convince the watcher that they are sick, but that they must get themselves medicated before they waste any more time in their suddenly felt misery. "The best contributions to such debates [regarding the extent of influence the media has over the public] suggest the complex, negotiated and often indirect nature of media influence, but of one thing there can be no doubt; the media do have an influence" Hesmondhalgh 3). By playing on the already weakened state of the viewer who is experiencing any of these symptoms, advertisements such as this are unethically misleading about the cause of their suffering as well as the instantaneous results they will experience once medicated. By encouraging people to talk to their doctor about taking this drug, the advertisers for Paxil give the viewer the impression that they are more informed about their illness and its potential treatments than their doctor. Rather than openly acknowledge the symptoms listed may be caused by a number of factors, this information is read through quickly, if at all, during the 30 second segment of disclaimers and identified risk factors associated with the drug. â€Å"The average person cannot adequately research all the scientific studies done to evaluate the effectiveness of new drugs. Patients, therefore, find themselves requesting prescription drugs based on advertisements with little knowledge of all the relevant medical information†. ... "The best contributions to such debates [regarding the extent of influence the media has over the public] suggest the complex, negotiated and often indirect nature of media influence, but of one thing there can be no doubt; the media do have an influence" Hesmondhalgh 3). By playing on the already weakened state of the viewer who is experiencing any of these symptoms, advertisements such as this are unethically misleading about the cause of their suffering as well as the instantaneous results they will experience once medicated. By encouraging people to talk to their doctor about taking this drug, the advertisers for Paxil give the viewer the impression that they are more informed about their illness and its potential treatments than their doctor. Rather than openly acknowledge the symptoms listed may be caused by a number of factors, this information is read through quickly, if at all, during the 30 second segment of disclaimers and identified risk factors associated with the drug. â€Å"The average person cannot adequately research all the scientific studies done to evaluate the effectiveness of new drugs. Patients, therefore, find themselves requesting prescription drugs based on advertisements with little knowledge of all the relevant medical information† (ProCon, 2010). At the same time, this advertisement wears away at the viewer’s trust in their medical professional, particularly when they see corresponding promotional material in the doctor’s office. â€Å"Patients seeing prescription drug ads can lose trust in doctors and the medical establishment when it seems that the medical community (including pharmaceutical companies) is more interested in taking

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Difference Between Traditional File Systems Information Technology Essay

Difference Between Traditional File Systems Information Technology Essay Wikipedia, The traditional filing system is a method of storing and arranging computer files and the information in the file. Basically it organizes these files into a database for the storage, organization, manipulation, and retrieval by the computers operating system. For this method, a file name is assigned to a file in order to secure storage location in the computer memory or data storage devices such as hard disks or CD-ROMs are used to maintain the physical location of the files. By this file name a file can be further accessed. Whether the file system has an underlying storage device or not, file systems typically have directories which associate file names with files, usually by connecting the file name to an index in a file allocation table. A new concept for file management is the concept of a database-based file system. Files are identified by their characteristics, like type of file, topic, author, etc (DBMS) consists of software that operates databases, providing storage, access, security, backup and other facilities. This system can be categorized according to the database model and the type of computer that they support such as a server cluster or a mobile phone, the query language(s) that access the database, such as SQL or XQuery, performance trade-offs, such as maximum scale or maximum speed or others. Some DBMS cover more than one entry in these categories, e.g., supporting multiple query languages. Meanwhile database management systems are usually accessed in a client-server manner, where the database client and the server are located on different machines (in a local area network). Both systems deal with information management. File-based System File-based systems were an early attempt to computerize the manual filing system. File-based system is a collection of application programs that perform services for the end-users, such as updating, insertion, deletion adding new files to database etc. Each program defines and manages its data. When a computer user wants to store data electronically they must do so by placing data in files. Files are stored in specific locations on the hard disk (directories). The user can create new files to place data in, delete a file that contains data, rename the file, etc which is known as file management; a function provided by the Operating System (OS). Advantages of traditional file based system Disadvantages of traditional file based system No need of external storage Provides less security. No need of a highly technical person to handle the database. Redundancy is more. Processing speed is high as compared to DBMS Less integrity. High complexity in updating of database. Table 1.1.1 Database Management System The improvement of the File-Based System (FBS) was the Database Management System (DBMS) which came up in the 60s. The Database Management System removed the trouble of manually locating data, and having to go through it. The user could create a suitable structure for the data beforehand, to place the information in the database that the DBMS is managing. Hence, the physical organizing of files is done away with and provides the user with a logical view of the data input. A database is a collection of interrelated information stored in a database server; these data will be stored in the form of tables. The primary aim of database is to provide a way to store and retrieve database information fast and in an efficient manner. Advantages Control of data redundancy Although the database approach does not remove redundancy completely, it controls the amount of redundancy in the database. Data consistency By removing or controlling redundancy, the database approach reduces the risk of inconsistencies occurring. It ensures all copies of the idea are kept consistent. More information from the same amount of data With the amalgamation of the operated data, it is possible to derive additional information for the same data. Sharing of data Database belongs to the entire organization and can be shared by all authorized users. Improved data integrity Database integrity provides the validity and consistency of stored data. Integrity is usually expressed in terms of constraints, which are consistency rules that the database is not permitted to violate. Improved security Provides protection of data from unauthorized users. It will require user names and passwords to identify user type and their access right in the operation including retrieval, insertion, updating and deletion. Enforcement of standards The integration of the database enforces the necessary standards including data formats, naming conventions, documentation standards, update procedures and access rules. Economy of scale Cost savings can be obtained by combining all organizations operational data into one database with applications to work on one source of data. Balance of conflicting requirements By having a structural design in the database, the conflicts between users or departments can be resolved. Decisions will be based on the base use of resources for the organization as a whole rather than for an individual person. Improved data accessibility and responsiveness By having integration in the database approach, data accessing can cross departmental boundaries. This feature provides more functionality and better services to the users. Increased productivity The database approach provides all the low-level file-handling routines. The provision of these functions allow the programmer to concentrate more on the specific functionality required by the users. The fourth-generation environment provided by the database can simplify the database application development. Improved maintenance Provides data independence. As a change of data structure in the database will affect the application program, it simplifies database application maintenance. Increased concurrency Database can manage concurrent data access effectively. It ensures no interference between users that would not result any loss of information or loss of integrity. Improved backing and recovery services Modern database management system provides facilities to minimize the amount of processing that can be lost following a failure by using the transaction approach. Disadvantages Complexity A difficult software. All users must be familiar with its functionality and take full advantage of it. Therefore, training for the administrators, designers and users is required. Size Uses a substantial amount of main memory as well as large amount of disk space in order to make it run efficiently. Cost of DBMS A multi-user database management system may be very expensive. Even after the installation, there is a high regular annual maintenance cost on the software. Cost of conversion When moving from a file-base system to a database system, the company is required to have additional expenses on hardware acquisition and training cost. Performance As the database approach is to cater for many applications rather than exclusively for a particular one, some applications may not run as fast as before. Higher impact of a failure Increases the vulnerability of the system due to the centralization. As all users and applications reply on the database availability, the failure of any component can bring operations to a halt and affect the services to the customer seriously. The difference between TFS and DBMS Balajee B. (2005), There are number of characteristics that differ from traditional file management system to database management system. In file system approach, each user implements the required files for a specific application to run. (Example: in a sales department of an enterprise, one user will be maintaining the details of the number of sales personnel in that department and their grades. These details will be stored and maintained in a separate file. Another user will maintain the salary details of these sales personnel and the detailed salary report will be stored and maintained in a separate file. Although both of the users need the data of the salespersons, they will be having their details in separate files and they need different programs to operate their files.) When such data is isolated in separate files, it is difficult to access data that should be available for both users. This will lead to wastage of space and redundancy or replication of data, which may lead to c onfusion, as sharing of data among various users is not possible and data inconsistency may occur. These files will not be having any inter-relationship among the data stored in these files. Therefore in traditional file processing every user will be defining their own constraints and implement the files according to their needs. In database approach, a single store of data is maintained that is defined once and then accessed by many users, as database belongs to the entire organization and can be shared by all authorized users. The essential characteristic of database approach is that the database system not only contains data but it contains complete definition or description of the database structure and control. These definitions are stored in a system catalog, which contains the information about the structure and definitions of the database. The information stored in the catalog is called the metadata, it describes the primary database. Hence this approach will work on any type of database for example, insurance database, Airlines, banking database, Finance details, and Enterprise information database. But in traditional file processing system the application is developed for a specific purpose and they will access specific database only. But the processing speed in TFS is high compared to DBMS. The other main characteristic of the database is that it will allow multiple users to access the database at the same time and sharing of data is possible. The database must include concurrency control software to ensure that several users trying to update the same data at the same time, it should maintain in a controlled manner. In file system approach many programmers will be creating files over a long period and various files have different format, in various application languages, where duplication of data can occur. This redundancy in storing same data multiple times leads to higher costs and wastage of space. This may result in data inconsistency in the application; this is because update is done to some of the files only and not all of the files. Moreover in database approach multiple views can be created; External view User/Application view, Conceptual view Logical view, Internal view Details about the structure of data and physical storage of information. View is a tailored representation of information contained in one or more tables. View is also called as Virtual table because view does not contain physically stored records and will not occupy any space. A multi-user database whose users have variety of applications must provide facilities for defining multiple views. In traditional file system, if any changes are made to the structure of the files it will affect all the programs. Therefore, changes to the structure of a file will require to change all programs that access the file and whereby data dependence will be lost. But in the case of database approach the structure of the database is stored separately in the system catalog from the access of the application programs. This property is known as program-data independence. Database can also be used for continuous storage for program objects and data structures that resulted in object oriented database approach. Traditional systems suffered from impedance mismatch problem and difficulty in accessing the data, which is avoided in object oriented database system. Database can be used to represent complex relationships among data as well as to retrieve and update related data easily and efficiently. Hence DBMS does not automatically remove redundancies, but help to control redundancy. It is possible to define and enforce integrity constraints for the data stored in the database. The database also provides facilities for recovering hardware and software failures, as it has automatic and intelligent backup and recovery procedures. It reduces the application development time considerably when compared to the file system approach and availability of up-to-date information of all the users. It also provides security to the data stored in the database system and maintains integrity. A highly technical person will be required to handle the database, while for TFS, it is not so. File-based systems are very dependent upon the application programmer. Any required queries or reports have to be written by the application programmer. Normally, a fixed format query or report can only be entertained and no facility for ad-hoc queries if offered. DBMS has data independence. The way information is stored and the way information issued is independent of each other. File-based systems also give tremendous pressure on data processing staff, with users complaints on programs that are inadequate or inefficient in meeting their demands. Documentation may be limited and maintenance of the system is difficult. Provision for security, integrity and recovery capability is very limited. Whereas, DBMS has control over security as it provides tools such as use of User Code, Password / Privileges and Roles to ensure security of data. Data, Field, Record, and File are the main components of Database environment. Briefly explain those. Data Webopedia (Anon., n.d.), Distinct pieces of information usually formatted in a special way. All software is divided into two general categories: data and programs. Programs are collections of instructions for manipulating data. Data can exist in a variety of forms as numbers or text on pieces of paper, as bits and bytes stored in electronic memory, or as facts stored in a persons mind. Strictly speaking, data is the plural of datum, a single piece of information. In practice, however, people use data as both the singular and plural form of the word. The term data is often used to distinguish binary machine-readable information from textual human-readable information. For example, some applications make a distinction between data files (files that contain binary data) and text files (files that contain ASCII data). In database management systems, data files are the files that store the database information, whereas other files, such as index files and data dictionaries, store adminis trative information, known as metadata. Field Webopedia (Anon., n.d.), A space allocated for a particular item of information. A tax form, for example, contains a number of fields: one for your name, one for your Social Security number, one for your income, and so on. In database systems, fields are the smallest units of information you can access. In spreadsheets, fields are called cells. Most fields have certain attributes associated with them. For example, some fields are numeric whereas others are textual; some are long, while others are short. In addition, every field has a name, called the field name. In database management systems, a field can be required, optional, or calculated. A required field is one in which you must enter data, while an optional field is one you may leave blank. A calculated field is one whose value is derived from some formula involving other fields. You do not enter data into a calculated field; the system automatically determines the correct value. A collection of fields is called a record. Record Webopedia (Anon., n.d.), In database management systems, a complete set of information. Records are composed of fields, each of which contains one item of information. A set of records constitutes a file. For example, a personnel file might contain records that have three fields: a name field, an address field, and a phone number field. In relational database management systems, records are called tuples. Some programming languages allow you to define a special data structure called a record. Generally, a record is a combination of other data objects. For example, a record might contain three integers, a floating-point number, and a character string. In database management systems, a complete set of information. Records are composed of fields, each of which contains one item of information. A set of records constitutes a file. For example, a personnel file might contain records that have three fields: a name field, an address field, and a phone number field. Figure 1.2.1 Source Author Anon., File Webopedia (Anon., n.d.), A collection of data or information that has a name, called the filename. Almost all information stored in a computer must be in a file. There are many different types of files: data files, text files, program files, directory files, and so on. Different types of files store different types of information. For example, program files store programs, whereas text files store text. What is the Importance of DBMS in a Defense Organization and in an Education Department? Defence Organization Benjamin (n.d.), A Database Management System (DBMS) is a set of computer programs that controls the creation, maintenance, and the use of the database with computers of an organization and its end users. It allows organizations to place control of organization-wide database development in the hands of database administrators (DBAs) and other specialists. As organizations develop with time, their adoption to the latest technologies in the computer field becomes a necessity. A Defence organization is no different. In these turbulent times, when national security is more important, providing all Defence personnel with access to the latest technology and education opportunities not only directly contributes to Defence capability but also improve the defence personnels career development. Hence the importance of a DBMS in such an organization like Defence is vital. Because Database administrators could use this system to configure and operate databases as the software provides high level, privileged database access. But the management should restrict use of this software to authorized personnel. One function of the database administrator is to create particular views of information stored in the database that are unique for each type of user. For example, one officer will have a different view of information in the database than another, say Senior officer. The different user groups will also have different abilities to add, modify, or delete information. The database administrator is responsible for providing users with access to the appropriate level of information. The primary risk associated with database administration is that an administrator can alter sensitive data without those modifications being detected. A secondary risk is that an administrator can change access rights to information stored within the database as well as their own access rights. Database security is the last line of defence. So it deserves greater focus on the protection of private data from both internal and external. The sensitivity and classification of the information stored in the database form the basis for establishing controls. A database that stores confidential information may require a more significant control environment than a database that stores non-sensitive information. Management should consider the security and performance implications of the security options available with modern database management systems. Database security professionals and information security and risk management professionals could adopt a security strategy in DBMS to: 1) Align database security policies with information security policies; 2) Ensure well-defined and formalized database security procedures; 3) Enforce role separation; and 4) Apply advanced security measures such as database auditing, monitoring, database encryption, data masking, and vulnerability assessment to all critical databases that store private data. The DBMS can provide long-term benefits for the Defence organization reducing duplication of data and making it easier for HR to update personnel records. If not for DBMS, each time there was a personnel change, trainers would have to go through their entire content to make the necessary changes. Now, replacing Brigadier Xs picture in the content library with Commodore Ys picture can be automatically replicated through all relevant programs. Thereby reduce its expenditure on storage. But, initial training will be required for all programmers and users. Even though database systems are complex, difficult, and time-consuming to design, there is greater data integrity and independence from applications programs and Education Department Sue Bushell (2004), To improve teaching and learning with the help of modern information and communication technology eLearning is beneficial to education, corporations and to all types of learners. It is affordable, saves time, and produces measurable results. E-learning comprises all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching. The Information and communication systems, whether networked or not, serve as specific media to implement the learning process. E-learning services have evolved since computers were first used in education. There is a trend to move towards blended learning services, where computer-based activities are integrated with practical or classroom-based situations. E-learning is essentially the computer and network-enabled transfer of skills and knowledge. E-learning applications and processes include Web-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual classroom opportunities and digital collaboration. Content is delivered via the Internet, intranet/extranet, audio or video tape, satellite TV, and CD-ROM. It can be self-paced or instructor-led and includes media in the form of text, image, animation, streaming video and audio The definition of e-learning varies depending on the organization and how it is used but basically it involves electronic means of communication, education, and training. Regardless of the definition you chose to use, designers, developers, and implementers make or break the instructional courses and tools. E-learning is simply a medium for delivering learning and like any other medium, it has its advantages and disadvantages. E-learning covers a wide array of activities from supported learning, to blended or hybrid learning (the combination of traditional and e-learning practices), to learning that occurs 100% online. As per, the worldwide e-learning industry is estimated to be worth over $48 billion US according to conservative estimates. Developments in internet and multimedia technologies are the basic enabler of e-learning, with consulting, content, technologies, services and support being identified as the five key sectors of the e-learning industry. E-learning is naturally suited to distance learning and flexible learning, but can also be used in conjunction with face-to-face teaching, in which case the term Blended learning is commonly used. E-Learning pioneer Bernard Luskin argues that the E must be understood to have broad meaning if e-learning is to be effective. Luskin says that the e should be interpreted to mean exciting, energetic, enthusiastic, emotional, extended, excellent, and educational in addition to electronic that is a traditional national interpretation. This broader interpretation allows for 21st century applications and brings learning and media psychology into the equation. E-Learning can also refer to educational web sites such as those offering learning scenarios, worksheets and interactive exercises for children. The term is also used extensively in the business sector where it generally refers to cost-effective online training There are many advantages to online and computer-based learning when compared to traditional face-to-face courses and lectures. There are a few disadvantages as well. Advantages of eLearning (Anon., n.d) E-learning is beneficial to education, corporations and to all types of learners. It is affordable, saves time, and produces measurable results. Cost effective E-learning is more cost effective than traditional learning because less time and money is spent traveling. Since e-learning can be done in any geographic location and there are no travel expenses, this type of learning is much less costly than doing learning at a traditional institute.   Flexibility Flexibility is a major benefit of e-learning. E-learning has the advantage of taking class anytime anywhere. Education is available when and where it is needed. E-learning can be done at the office, at home, on the road, 24 hours a day, and seven days a week.   Learners  like e-learning because it accommodates different types of learning styles.  They have the advantage of learning at their own pace. Students can also learn through a variety of activities that apply to many different learning styles. Learners can fit e-learning into their busy schedule. If they hold a job, they can participate in eLearning right at their desk. If the learner needs to do the learning at night, then this option is available while in their pajamas and do the learning if they desire.   Personalized learning E-learning encourages students to peruse through information by using hyperlinks and sites on the worldwide Web.  Learners are able to find information relevant to their personal situations and interest. E-learning allows selection of  learning materials that meet their level of knowledge, interest and what they need to know to perform more effectively in an activity.   E-learning is more focused on the learner and it is more interesting for the learner because it is information that they want to learn. E-learning is flexible and can be customized to meet the individual needs of the learners. Develops knowledge E-learning helps develop knowledge of the Internet. This knowledge will help learners throughout their careers. E-learning encourages students to take personal responsibility for their own learning. When learners succeed, it builds self-knowledge and self-confidence Disadvantages of eLearning Access One disadvantage of eLearning is that learners need to have access to a computer as well as the Internet. They also need to have computer skills with programs such as word processing, Internet browsers, and e-mail. Without these skills and software it is not possible for the  learner to succeed in eLearning.   E-learners need to be very comfortable using a computer. Slow Internet connections or older computers may make accessing course materials difficult. This may cause the learners to get frustrated and give up.   Software and files Another disadvantage of e-learning is managing computer files, software comfortability and learning new software, including e-learning. For learners with beginner-level computer skills it can sometimes seem complex to keep their computer files organized.  The lesson points you to download a file which the learner does and later cannot find the file. The file is downloaded to the folder the computer automatically opens to rather than a folder  chosen by the learner. This file may be lost or misplaced to the learner without good computer organizational skills. High motivation E-learning also requires time to complete especially those with assignments and interactive collaborations. This means that students have to be highly motivated and responsible because all the work they do is on their own. Learners with low motivation or bad study habits may not complete modules and may fall behind Isolation Another disadvantage of e-learning is that students may feel isolated and unsupported while learning. Instructions are not always available to help the learner so learners need to have discipline to work independently without assistance. E-learners may also become bored with no interaction with instructors or classmates.   Without the routine structures of a traditional class, students may get lost or confused about course activities and deadlines. Instructor may not always be available when students are studying or need help Conclusion Today many technologies can be, and are, used in e-learning, from blogs to collaborative software, E-Portfolios, and virtual classrooms. Most e-learning situations use combinations of these techniques. Even though the hardware and software start-up are costly, the advantages are; reduced data redundancy, reducing updating errors and increased consistency, greater data integrity and independence from applications programs, improved data access to users through use of host and query languages, improved data security and availability of facilitated development of new application programs and ability for intensive research are the benefits of DBMS. Task 2 Draw an Entity Relationship Data Model which describes the content and structure of the data held by the Medi Check Hospital. Produce the resulting tables of above Medi Check Hospital and clearly indicating the primary and foreign keys. Data Tables Doctor DoctorID (primary) Lname Fname Address Phone Pager Specialty Location Availability Patient PatientNo (primary) PatientFirstName PatientLastName PatientAddress PatientTelNo PatientDob PatientMaritalStatus PatientDateRegistered Appointment AppointmentNo (primary) PatientName Date/Time PatientTelNo Symptom SymptomCode (primary), SymptomName Description Treatment TreatmentTitle (primary) TreatmentType Duration Status TreatmentCost Medication MedicationNo (primary) MedicationType SideEffect Dosage Frequency Severity MedicationBrandName MedicationManufactureName MedicationManufactureAddress MedicationManufactureTel Normalize these tables to ensure that are all in BCNF. Show the steps you have taken in normalizing the tables. UNF Medication (DoctorID, Lname, Fname, Address, Phone, Pager, Specialty, Location, Availability, PatientNo, PatientFirstName, PatientLastName, PatientAddress, PatientTelNo, PatientDob, PatientMaritalStatus, PatientDateRegistered, AppoinmentNo, PatientName, Date/Time, PatientTelNo, SymptomCode, SymptomName, Description, TreatmentTitle, TreatmentTyp

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Media: Source of Todays Violence? Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive E

Media: Source of Today's Violence? In recent years, intense scrutiny has come upon the entertainment industry with critics claiming that it has great influence on the minds of today’s youth. But, what exactly are the effects of such an influence? Certain people have exaggerated the effects that it plays on children. Many people, including government officials, have singled out television, video games, and movies as itthe cause of some types of violence simply because it is an easy target for laying the blame. The truth is that these three media sources are nowhere near the actual causes for acts of violence and other crimes. Studies on the issue are, at best, inconclusive on the issue. Many people believe that television, movies, and video games are the cause of crime because they don’t know the facts on the issue. They single them out because they have violent images and suggestive themes and therefore believe that these will create violence in real life. When a violent crime is committed by a youth, the crime is often blamed on the television or the movies that the youth watched or the video game they just played. Many people will start thinking this is true, based on the fact it seems like a plausible explanation. People will start trying to censor violent images and possibly even ban them. But, by censoring the images it will just make people want to see them more. Humans are inherently attracted to violence and if they can’t see it on television or in movies, they will go elsewhere to get it. Violent television, movies and especially video games offer a way to relieve stress without actually committing any crimes or hurting anyone. Before humans could see or engage in virtual violence, we... ...rnment continues legislation on Capitol Hill on the V-Chip. This the government’s answer to controlling what kids can watch. It’s a device that’s implemented into the television set prohibiting certain shows from being viewed. The parents of the household decide what shows to block. This is not the answer. If a kid wants to watch a certain show or movie on television, then they will simply go to a friends house that doesn’t have the V-Chip. My solution to the problem rests on the shoulders of the parents. They parents must be knowledgeable about their child’s maturity level and whether or not they can handle such programming. By educating the parents on the content of certain shows, movies, and video games, I believe the amount of blame toward the entertainment industry for violence will be alleviated. After all, children are a reflection of their parents.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Impact of superior leadership Essay

Introduction Leadership can be defined as â€Å"a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes, such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills†. (A good leader offers reality check, thank you – The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area) â€Å"Leadership is concerned with intimacy, intimacy with the substance of the work and with the people you serve,† (What is Leadership?) Nowadays in the world of business, one of the most important issues that companies face is that their workforces, including executives, are incapable of wrapping their minds completely about how to think and act as a superior leader. To become a superior leader, your role in your organization should be lasting success. Besides this, superior leaders must be ambitious, hard working, broad minded, striving, caring, competent, intelligent, cooperative, loyal, dependable, supportive, forward looking, mature, self controlled and so on. Superior leadership motivates us to do more, learn more and dream more. In fact, superior leadership is an approach that unleashes your employees’ brainpower. This is due to the fact that when this brain power is completely utilized, workers and employees are motivated, innovative, creative and committed. How Good Leadership Affects Organization Obviously, we all are aware of the fact that employees are our most significant asset and the best ones are self-starter and self-motivated. Unfortunately, they are approximately only 5 to 6 percent or so naturally occurring. By using a superior leadership strategy, the management can certainly make huge number of employees highly self-motivated and self-started. And in this regard, this superior leadership strategy can be taught to newly hired and prospective managers to maintain your product quality and to provide fineness in leadership. According to Richard Hughes, R&D director for groups â€Å"Specifically, most organizations whether they are in the corporate sector or not have business strategies but have not given sufficient thought to what human capabilities are needed to implement that business strategy effectively†. (McLean, 2005) Furthermore, as a corporate leader of a firm, delivering satisfactory results to your employees, customers, organization and shareholder/investors is your responsibility. Primarily, result-based superior leadership motivates trust, energizes organizational employees and makes performance measurement easier for an organization. Nobody can deny the statement that your company’s overall performance depends upon the fact that how your management plans certain things and applies them in business activities. And with respect of this, a strategic leader should make a caring plan that gives assurance of your company’s goodwill and future business. And to achieve the aforementioned things, the management and the leaders should treat team members as partners instead of employees. In addition to this, a successful leader builds a strong communication connection inside and outside the organization, and understands your stake holders’ and investors’ mutual expectations. Moreover, in order to understand a company’s goals and objectives productively, a workforce should mutually understand and practice its strategy because of the fact that overall success of a company depends upon good leadership. A responsible team leader or manager should apply the aforementioned points. In today’s globalized world of business, many corporations are facing economic, social, political and climatic changes. Hence, a good leader is one who can cope with day to day changing political and social situations. Certainly, true leadership provides business to organizations in any circumstances whatsoever. However, the business environment can have impacts on the style of leadership â€Å"Successful leaders of change may not always be successful leaders of stability, consolidation, continuity, or thriving leaders in periods of massive disruption, such as 9/11. These different conditions require a different style of leadership, which may not necessarily be found in the existing senior management†. (emcc – Transforming organisations – the importance of leadership and culture in managing change) If a strong leadership culture is not present in any type of organization, employees do not contribute a common vision to the organization’s future and would disagree on what the most significant priorities are. In this regard, one would believe that such indicators are influenced according to an organization’s size or in other ways like in which responsibilities are distributed in an organization. In this regard, Marvin Lieberman, Lawrence Lau and Mark Williams conducted a study which is considered a most classy study in the automobile industry. These researchers estimated the productivity equation in order to ascertain the growth in both labor and capital outputs in six companies over a period of forty years. They found that â€Å"effects of top management on all of the companies except Toyota (because it had a system that made performance robust and largely independent of who occupied senior leadership positions) and that these effects were significant† (Pfeffer and Sutton, 2000) Furthermore, there is evidence that leadership results are modest because of the fact that employees who are allowed to keep and hold leadership positions are similar to each other. Practically speaking, leaders are selected for similarity in outlook and education. Consequently, in most of the organizations, leaders who appear to be successful are highly sought after and are likely to take bit positions. Another theorist described his views about leadership and its impacts on your organization as â€Å"building your superior confidence in you requires giving them your confidence. Once you and they have established in both ways, your organization may have an unbeatable competitive advantage, whatever the battlefield†. (Hinders, 2005). Generally, it has been observed that bad leadership has adverse effects on organizational performance and work output. For instance, organizations without proper project management miss milestones. Projects in such organizations cost more than the estimated amount and do not deliver the desired results. Certainly, leadership plays a tremendous role in every aspect of the organization. For example, most of the US financial companies systematically hired the best world talent regardless of the market size and shifted these leaders through every critical and non critical aspect of its operation. Because of the leadership fact, human assets pay off handsomely in today’s global world of business. And in this regard, the world’s best economists also weigh the fact that in today’s business world, it is very difficult to run your business operations economically without having a good leader who has the ability to cope with different problems and solve problems economically and excel among business competitors. Tsun-yan Hsieh and Sara Yik, in an article while emphasizing the leadership importance for an organization stated that, â€Å"â€Å"what do we mean by â€Å"leadership†? Whereas good managers deliver predictable results as promised, as well as occasional incremental improvements, leaders generate breakthroughs in performance. They create something that wasn’t there before by launching a new product, by entering a new market, or by more quickly attaining better operational performance at lower cost, for example. A company’s leadership reaches well beyond a few good men and women at the top. It typically includes the 3 to 5 percent of employees throughout the organization who can deliver breakthroughs in performance†. (Hsieh and Yik).

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Nothing Gets Me High Like Writing

Nothing Gets Me High Like Writing Nothing gets me high and offers relief from the suffering like blackening pages, writing.  ~Leonard Cohen This is the part of our profession that we quickly forget. The sea of authors is just that. . . an undulating sea. They rise up with glee about the release of a book. . . then slide down and bottom out when the sales arent as expected. Highs and lows, but mostly about publishing. Most of them blame someone else for their writer problems. Of late Ive seen them blame: 1) Amazon algorithms 2) Amazon promoting its own imprints before other publishers 3) Amazon allowing used book sellers to appear before new books 4) Publishers being greedy 5) Self-published authors gobbling up market share 6) Or vice versa, traditional authors gobbling up market share 7) The glut of cheap sales free, 99 cents, etc. 8) A bad editor 9) Indie bookstores not wanting indie authors And in all that blame, the writer forgets why they started writing in the first place. . . for the high of sculpting words. For the joy of designing that perfect sentence. The business side of writing is in flux, and that flux changes faster and faster. Technology and creative ideas fly like bullets as writers attempt to take advantage and break loose of the fray and be seen. . . and make sales. Fight to be different than all the other people out there writing books. If we dont constantly market, we backslide. And if we constantly market, we write less. And write less quality. Most businesses will tell you to return to the basics when things are not going well. For writers, thats writing well, writing for self, and reaching for that writing high. Sink into writing. Then when its written, come up for air and publish, because if you think about publishing before you finish the book, youll be outdated in your thinking

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Essay on Dreams Margaret Thatcher and willy

Essay on Dreams Margaret Thatcher and willy Essay on Dreams: Margaret Thatcher and willy Dreams can be life enhancing but they can also be destructive. Compare and contrast how dreams and dreaming are presented to us in these two plays. Dreams can give opportunity for a better life but can also be destructive. They can be partly successful shown through the character Marlene but can have devastating consequences for characters in both plays, especially in Death of a Salesman through the characters Willy and Biff. In the two plays, Willy and Marlene both dream of being successful in business but however, have a different perception of how to achieve this dream. Miller’s Death of a Salesman focuses on the American Dream, or at least Willy Loman’s version of it. Many people believe in The American Dream and its role in shaping peoples success. Willy had the wrong perspective of this dream, and believed the key to success was to be â€Å"well-liked† which would then open doors to business and success. He also thought, business men were risk-takers and adventurers like his uncle Ben. Willy is envious of Ben's success in the business world, â€Å"William, when I walked into the jungle, I was seventeen. When I walked out I was twenty-one. And, by God, I was rich!† - Ben's American Dream is the ability to start with nothing and somehow make a fortune. Marlene on the other hand, doesn't care if she's â€Å"well-liked† and becomes successful independently. This happened through the system of which was happening around that time, ‘Capitalism.’ This is a system of free enterprise. This means that the government doesn’t interfere in the economy and everyone earns their own money. This system was put into power by Margaret Thatcher in the early 80s. Marlene was Capitalist and was encouraged by Thatcher and worked hard for her own money and lifestyle. She is richer than her sister due to the system, as she was a Socialist. Also, the audience is presented with two different female role models; Marlene and Joyce. Marlene could be seen as a feminist role model – fighting against her female stereotype, and fighting for equality in the workplace where as Joyce is exactly the opposite, giving into the female stereotype of â€Å"mother†. At the same time both characters had to make sacrifices to their lifestyle in order to gain this dream of success. However, all of Marlene's hard work meant giving up her own child and family in order to pursue her success, leaving Angie in the hands of Joyce. This un-ables Joyce to pursue her dreams as she’s trapped in the entanglement Marlene put her in. A woman's American Dream is to have a full family, however this prevented Joyce from pursuing this - â€Å"i did get pregnant and i lost it because i was looking after your fucking baby.† Joyce and Linda are somewhat similar, as they both may dream of having a full family. Linda also wants to keep Willy happy. So, she therefore follows Willy’s dream - â€Å"She more than loves him, she admires him, as though his... massive dreams and little cruelties, served her as only sharp reminders of the turbulent longings within him† but she †lacks the temperament to utter and follow to their end.† Thi s dream of keeping Willy satisfied meant sacrificing the idea of a complete family, as she gives Biff and Happy an ultimatum; keep Willy happy, or they wouldn’t be welcome anymore. Willy does everything for his family but the entrapment of his illusional dream was beginning to tear his family apart because of the failure to reach his American dream, he begins to live this dream through his sons, Happy and Biff. Willy dreams of making them successful business men, as he says â€Å"Thats just the way i’m bringing them up, Ben - rugged, well-liked, all-around.† However, its because of this dysfunctional relationship thats begins to ruin the Loman family. Biff clashes with Willy as they both dream differently. Biff dreams of having a life in the

Monday, November 4, 2019

Karl Heinrich Marx Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Karl Heinrich Marx - Essay Example Marx’s theories argue that all societies advance through the language of class struggle: a disagreement between the class that is in charge of controlling the society’s production (ownership class) and the lower class responsible for labor input. He called capitalism â€Å"dictatorship of the bourgeoisie† while criticizing the society’s then-current socio-economic status which the wealthy classes were running purely for their own interest (Mehring 47). He predicted a replacement of the socio-economic system with socialism system after its destruction brought about by an internal tension. In the â€Å"dictatorship of the proletariat†, the working class would govern the society under socialism. He also believed that socialism would be replaced by communism eventually, a society that is stateless and classless. Despite strongly believing in socialism and communism, Marx fought for the implementation of socialism with the argument that both the underprivileged people and the social theorist are accountable for bringing about transformation in the socio-economic form by getting rid of capitalism. Marxist concepts were adopted by various revolutionary socialist in different countries by the 20th century. This resulted in the emergence of socialist states, for example, the Soviet Union (1922) and the People Republic of China (1949). His ideas also influenced various workers’ parties and labor union all over the world. Marx is one of the most prominent figures in the history of human. However, since 1989, Marx’s influence went down after some of his predictions got nullified by the revolution of 1989 (Wheen 29). The philosophy of Marx has various interpretations both from Marxist interior and exterior movement. Some philosophers have separated the work of Marx into a â€Å"young Marx† and â€Å"mature Marx†. Other philosophers have classified Marx’s work as purely economical work, philosophical works, historical and political intervention. Therefore, Marx’s philosophy is inextricably connected to his workers’ movement historical i ntervention. An example of this is the ‘Communist Manifesto by Engels’ and the â€Å"critique of political economy†. The philosophical roots of Marxism resulted from three sources: the French republican and extremism, English political economy and the philosophy of German idealist. Even these three sources model is oversimplified as it still holds some truth. During his early career as an intellect and an activist, Marx created an ample theoretical understanding of reality in politics by radical and critical adoption of the thought categories of a German idealist from 18th and 19th century, the most significant one being the Appropriation of Aristotle’s Organicist and Essentialism by Hegel (Wheen 18). Marx analyzed four contributions that Hegel made towards people’s philosophical understanding. They include Aristotelian Essentialism and organicism, the progressing of the world through stages, the difference existing between historical (dialectical) and natural change and finally the thought that historical change is brought about by the thing contradicting itself. Marx polemic with his fellow thinkers was mostly through critique which made him popular as the first to implement critical method into social science. He criticized philosophical

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Success in Modern Labor Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Success in Modern Labor Market - Essay Example Under conditions of globalization it is possible to reflect one’s abilities from different prospects. We live at interesting times and we are fascinated by the diversities of the modern globalized world. Thesis statement: labor market of the 21st century is a new way for employees’ treatment, to their performance, which is based on their personal interests and concerns, which, if respected by the company, are perfectly integrated with the main goals and values of the company. The vision about the modern labor market changed and the vision about success has changed as well. With regards to the immense opportunities of self-development, it is possible to position oneself as he wants in a social sphere and play for example a role of a perfect wife, mother or housekeeper and at the same time remain a successful employee. Such options are provided by numerous companies, such as Google Plexes, for example. Different opportunities may lead to integration of culturally diverse employees and work in the name of a perfect conglomerate development. Modern developments in economics To begin with, it is necessary to outline current developments in the context of modern employment practices. Employers are no more interested in manufacturing employment or knowledge-based occupations. Nowadays each employer chooses the best individual, whose skills are endless and whose imaginative thinking may open a global horizon for future development. There is a need to invest in capable and talented workforce in order to succeed globally. For modern companies success means keeping catching up with the rest of companies internationally. Employees in the global market are characterized by flexibility and their ability to catch up with the changing norms and processes in the labor market. Such features as initiative, energy drive, mental sturdiness, and emotional stability, creative thinking, striving for perfection, inspiration and many other features are dominant. Therefore, it is relevant to focus on different tendencies in the labor market internationally in order to make some conclusions about the best ways to succeed. Performativity On the example of case study about Egyptian women, performativity option as the right way to success will be considered further on. Women in this country have witnessed that currently they have numerous opportunities for their self-development, realization of their career inspirations etc. Labor participation of Egyptian women is on halt, though in their academic performance they have higher rates in comparison with Egyptian men (Hassanien, 2010). Unfortunately, Egyptian women are often characterized as â€Å"women at leisure†, because there is a too high barer for gender-work interplay in Egypt. In terms of gender performativity it should be noted that case with Egypt is interesting and resonance. They have creative thinking, imaginative potential, good credentials and degrees but they do not have their jobs or well-paid jobs. It means that Egyptian labor market requires restandartization in accordance with global labor market needs. Moreover, there is an option to show that it is possible to reach success in this country in the labor market. Such a successful entrepreneur is Azza Fahmy. She is one of the leading jewelry designers in the Middle East. She has combined her innovative and creative thinking and her craftsman skills. In the result she became the CEO of Azza Fahmy Jewellery. Earlier this